Rites of Passage is not currently taking new clients.

If you are interested in midwifery care with Nancy Myrick,

please check out San Francisco Birth Center at sfbirthcenter.com.

If you are looking for Lactation Consulting,

contact Ami Burnham at AmmaSource.com.

If you are looking for a home birth midwife,

check out the Bay Area Homebirth Collective.


Offering comprehensive home birth services in San Francisco, Rites of Passage provides respectful, family-centered care to women throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

Using western and complementary/alternative medicine, we work together to find the healthcare path appropriate to you, your pregnancy, and your birth. 

Midwifery Services

  • Comprehensive prenatal, home birth, and postpartum care
  • Breastfeeding support and nutritional counseling
  • 24-hour availability

415.902.7969 / [email protected] / fax 1.415.952.9461